Why You Should Buy a Pencil Case for Your Pencils

Many people have hundreds of pens and pencils lying around but do not own a pencil case to put them in. When you consider how inexpensive a pencil case can buy, and how many reasons there are to buy one, it makes no sense you do not currently own one.
Affordable -- You can buy pencil cases for as low as a couple of dollars and as high as however much you want to spend. This makes these cases an affordable and practical solution to keeping your pencils in a safe place.
Preventing breakage -- If you have pencils just lying around, they can often be broken, stepped on or simply lost.
With a pencil case, however, all your pencils will be kept in a safe place and away from harm. This is especially important if the pencils you own are from an expensive set.
Ability to find them -- Everyone has been in the situation where they need to find a particular color of pencil but cannot remember where the last place was where they used it.
If you have a pencil case for your pencils, and remember to put them back in it every time you finish using them, there is no way you will ever be searching for a specific pencil again.
Easy to travel with -- If you take a sketch pad and pencils with you when you travel, having the pencils in a pencil case makes it very easy to travel with them.
It also makes it easy to pack as all you have to do is look for your sketch pad and pencil case and throw it in your bag.